A Message from the Anglican Alliance Chair
Greater than the sum of our parts
As Chair of the Anglican Alliance I’m delighted that you’re reading this job pack, prepared as we recruit a new Executive Director of our organisation.
Our new Executive Director will enable the Alliance to play its key role within the life of the Anglican Communion. Across our Communion, churches and Anglican agencies are working to address the most pressing problems of our world, including through supporting disaster resilience and relief, enabling communities to tackle poverty and vulnerability, and acting for climate and gender justice. As we seek to address the challenges together, the role of the Alliance is to enable us to be greater than the sum of our parts. We do this by fostering collaboration and building partnerships, by sharing information, knowledge and resources around key issues and by contributing towards advocacy that speaks with and for the most marginalised and needy.
Our Executive Director is central to the work that we do – building relationships and coalitions, enabling learning from the experience and expertise of local churches in different contexts, helping us around the world to be attentive to what the Spirit is doing so that we can join with the good purposes that God has for all people.
Just as the Anglican Alliance works relationally across the Communion, so its work as an organisation is mirrored by the way its staff team operates. Our structure is very flat, enabling staff and trustees based in countries around the world to work together in ways that are inventive and innovative, often making possible for good more than anyone could ever have imagined. Our strong hope is that our new Executive Director will be able to build on all that we are achieving, working to grow the creativity and collaboration that are already hallmarks of our team.
I hope you’ll enjoy learning more about the work of the Anglican Alliance in the pages that follow. We are praying that our next Executive Director will be the person that God has called to take on this role. For then it will be for that person’s flourishing and joy – and ours too. So please do prayerfully consider whether this might be your next step on your journey with God. If you think that might be the case, we look forward to reading your application.
Most Revd Albert Chama
Archbishop of the Church of the Province of Central Africa
Chair of Trustees – Anglican Alliance
The Anglican Alliance: connecting, equipping and inspiring the worldwide Anglican family
to work for a world free of poverty and injustice and to safeguard creation.