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About Us

Comic Relief is a major charity based in the UK, with a vision of a just world, free from poverty. Our mission is drive positive change through the power of entertainment. You may know what we do: for years we’ve been entertaining the nation while raising money to support people living incredibly tough lives. Comic Relief is synonymous with the best of the British national spirit.

Since Comic Relief started, through the generosity of the Public and our partners, we have successfully raised over £1BN towards delivering our vision, and we’ve helped to support 98.6m people.

We use the money we raise to fund hundreds of amazing organisations in the UK and across the world who are supporting the most vulnerable communities in society. Including children and young people, families at risk of domestic abuse, those who are homeless, those who are living in extreme poverty, or struggling with their mental health.

We are grant-maker, fundraiser, partner, advocate and creative agency. From this uniquely versatile position, Comic Relief evokes a sense of responsibility and compassion towards people in the UK and around the world.