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Thank you for your interest in becoming an RDA UK Trustee.

At a time when more and more people are recognising the physical and emotional benefits of interacting with animals, our mission to ensure that everyone with a disability can benefit from the unique bond between humans and horses has never been more relevant.

Riding for the Disabled is the only major UK charity whose focus is squarely on the therapeutic benefits of bringing people and horses together, drawing on more than five decades of experience to provide personalised, goal-oriented programmes for 20,000 children and adults of all ages with physical disabilities, sensory and cognitive differences, long-term physical and mental health conditions.

As a Trustee you will bring additional skills and expertise to the Board and play a key role in shaping the strategy as the charity embarks on the next phase of our journey. You will join a forward-looking Trustee team, led by a new Chair.

As a Board member you will provide strategic direction to the RDA UK team. With an incoming CEO and recent investment into our staff team of thirty-five, this is a pivotal time as we step up the support and services on offer to our member groups delivering life enriching experiences on the ground, alongside developing new propositions and partnerships for future growth in participation.

Like many charities, the last few years have been challenging. Covid has changed the way we work together across the federation and the cost-of-living crisis continues to impact the equestrian sector as a whole. However, demand for our services is higher than ever before; social prescribing of equine-facilitated activities is on the rise and there are increasing opportunities to partner with like-minded organisations to further extend our reach.

This is an exciting time to join RDA UK. With new leadership and expertise, the Board are embracing the opportunities and leading a period of organisational development to build the resilience and long-term sustainability of RDA at all levels, including refreshing our governance structure and strategy so they are fit for the future.

We are looking for Trustees who are passionate about our mission, who can build relationships, and act as a critical friend to our CEO and senior leadership team.

RDA is a well-respected and much-loved charity with an impressive track record. We believe it’s what you can do that counts, and we have the potential to make an even bigger impact.

I hope you feel inspired to join us.

Helena Vega-Lozano,
Chair of the TrusteesÂ