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At Young Lives vs Cancer we know just how rewarding it is to be part of an incredible team making sure that children, young people and families don’t face cancer alone. The support offered to young cancer patients has come a long way, and our vital work – with social work at its core – has never been more needed than over the past few years.

Like many organisations, we are looking to understand how we can build on this to create a better future for young cancer patients, one in which the whole system of support around them works together, and no-one is left behind. This will mean both making sure we continue to provide a relevant, high-quality service, and looking beyond traditional ways of delivering services and raising funds.

Our social workers are based in all the main children’s cancer hospitals, as well as at the end of the phone or live chat, helping families handle the day-to-day challenges that come with a cancer diagnosis. They work closely with doctors, nurses and other NHS professionals as an integral part of the team caring for children with cancer, making sure families get the support they need throughout treatment.

We believe now is the time for us to set an ambitious ‘North Star’ for children and young people with cancer. We must ‘act from the future’, being open to challenging how we do things, and experimenting with new ways to create impact, and importantly – fund this vital work. Whatever comes next, our expertise in social work, and our culture of safeguarding, will be at the core, and our Board of Trustees want to strengthen the social work expertise on the Board. This role is being recruited alongside a second new trustee role with expertise in innovation.

The last two and half years have been incredibly challenging for young cancer patients and for the charity sector, but we have strengthened our organisation and are in a better position than ever before to reach people and to provide an equitable service to them, based on their needs. This is so exciting.

The Young Lives vs Cancer team is enthusiastic and committed, from staff and volunteers to supporters and, of course, young people and their families, and totally committed to continually learning and striving for better. Through your role on the Board, you will help provide the vision, leadership and direction to tackle the problems of the future.

You will champion social work at Board level. You will probe, ask questions and challenge us to ensure we take the very best approach.

If you believe children and young people with cancer deserve the chance to thrive then we’d love to hear from you.