Yuli is a leader with Himpunan Wanita Disabilitas Indonesia (HWDI, Indonesian Women with disability Association). Yuli says that that women with disabilities often face gender-based violence and many don’t have any idea on how to report the assault. The Indonesian Women in Leadership Project aims to support national and community civil society organisations to promote gender equality. Oxfam acknowledges the support of the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP). (credit: M. Nugie and Andito Wasi/Oxfam)

Dear Colleague,
Thank you for expressing your interest in the Trustee role at Oxfam Great Britain. This is an important role at an important time in our organisation’s transformation.
We are looking for candidates who appreciate the significance of this transformation. We are looking for two new Trustees to replace current Trustees whose terms are coming to an end and to strengthen the Board. One Trustee will bring senior-level executive experience of overseeing significant and challenging organisational development and change agendas helping organisations develop fit-for-purpose cultures in an international context for the digital age. A second Trustee will bring deep experience in fundraising in the charity/not-for-profit sector with the proven ability to engage and mentor senior-level leadership teams in this context.
At Oxfam GB, your primary role as a member of the Board is to ensure that the money Oxfam Great Britain holds on trust is applied effectively for the purposes of and furtherance of our charity objectives which are the relief of poverty, distress and suffering. Your role will be significant in shaping our current initiatives and future trajectory as an organisation. Specifically, you will play a crucial part in helping shape and oversee Oxfam GB’s strategy, seeking to maximise support for our cause and working with our confederation partners around the world to deliver support and help to those most in need and advocating for change.
In recent years, we’ve embarked on a journey to create a safe, feminist, anti-racist, and decolonised work environment. Our goal is to lead not only within our organisation but also to influence the wider sector working in international development.
Trusteeship can be rewarding for many reasons – from a sense of making a difference to the charitable cause to new experiences and relationships. It’s also likely to be demanding of your time, skills, knowledge and abilities. This Charity Commission guidance explains the key duties of all trustees of charities in England and Wales.
Oxfam is at the forefront of important and innovative change, which ranges from sustainable fashion, humanitarian intervention, to climate advocacy. There is much work to be done.
You will need to demonstrate a commitment to Oxfam’s vision and values along with the knowledge, skills and attributes outlined in the Person Specification.
Thank you very much for considering this role – we hugely appreciate the interest and enthusiasm of everyone who submits an application.
Yours sincerely,
Charles Gurassa