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Job Details

Job Title: Audit and Risk Committee Chair
Remuneration: Unremunerated, voluntary position with reasonable expenses covered
Meetings: Four per year

Job Purpose

The audit and risk committee is a committee of NCVO’s trustee board. The committee is responsible for:

  • Overseeing external audits and auditors. This includes agreeing scope and fees, and receiving the auditor’s report, annual report and accounts,
  • Overseeing our approach to risk. This includes monitoring our risk register and regular deep dives into risk areas,
  • Reviewing schedule of delegation every two years,
  • Overseeing all policy reviews,
  • Recommending specific policies to the board such as ethical, safeguarding and whistleblowing,
  • Overseeing all compliance areas including reviewing incidents and recommended actions. This includes:
    • Complaints,
    • Data protection,
    • Health and safety,
    • Safeguarding,
    • Whistleblowing,
  • Reviewing new members in exceptional circumstances.


This is a voluntary role. Committee members receive no remuneration. Reasonable expenses can be claimed in line with NCVO’s expense policy. Expenses can be claimed for attendance at committee meetings and other NCVO meetings necessary for the fulfilment the committee member’s duties.

The estimated time commitment is eight days per year.

Committee members should make sure the board considers a wider range of views and perspectives. This will ensure decisions are made in the best interests of the charity and the voluntary sector. The role will involve working closely with the other committee members.

Governance Structure

The audit and risk committee is made up of the following:

  • An independent chair of the committee,
  • The treasurer,
  • The senior independent trustee,
  • Three independent committee members.