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Role Description

The Trustees’ Responsibilities

  • To ensure that LMCT complies with its governing document, company and charity law, and any other relevant legislation or regulations.
  • To ensure LMCT applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objects.
  • To contribute actively to the Board of Trustees’ role in giving firm strategic direction to LMCT, setting overall policy, defining goals, setting targets and evaluating performance against agreed targets.
  • To protect and ensure the proper investment and management of LMCT’s assets and funds.
  • To safeguard the good name and values of LMCT.
  • To represent LMCT at functions and meetings as appropriate.
  • To declare any conflict of interest while carrying out the duties of a Trustee.
  • To be collectively responsible for the actions of LMCT.
  • To ensure the effective and efficient administration of LMCT.
  • To ensure the financial stability of LMCT.
  • To make sure LMCT is properly insured against all reasonable liabilities.
  • To appoint and support the Executive Director and monitor their performance.
  • In addition to the above statutory duties of all Trustees, each Trustee should use any specific knowledge or experience they have to help the Board of Trustees reach sound decisions. This will involve scrutinising board papers, leading discussions, focusing on key issues, and providing advice and guidance requested by the Board on new initiatives, or other issues relevant to LMCT’s work in which the Trustee has special expertise.
  • To attend meetings, and to read papers in advance of meetings.
  • To attend Committee meetings as appropriate.
  • To participate in other tasks as arise from time to time, such as interviewing new staff or Trustees, mentoring new Trustees, helping with beneficiary liaison and monitoring etc.
  • To keep informed about the activities of LMCT and wider issues which affect its work.

What The Role Involves

The Board meets four times a year usually at LMCT’s office in Southwark plus a joint Away Day with the LME Board.

In addition, there are one-two training days each year and attendance at LME’s events. There is also an expectation for each Trustee to serve on one of its Board committees, whose meetings are held remotely for ease of access. Trustees should be able to commit around 10-12 days per year.

The appointment is for a period of three years with the possibility of two further three-year terms. These are non-remunerated roles but reasonable expenses will be paid.