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With over 4500 colleagues, the Operations and Customer Services Directorate (OCSD) is the largest directorate within the DVLA. Every year, we:


· Issue more than 10 million driving licences 

· Issue nearly 13 million registration certificates 

· Collect £7 billion in vehicle excise duty 

· Respond to over 600,000 emails and webchats 

· Answer more than 18 million phone calls, and, 

· Deal with over 1 billion online enquiries. 


Within OCSD, we focus on the delivery of high-quality customer services with a strong emphasis on increasing the availability of digital channels. We aim to be customer-centric in the way we deliver our services. We strive to develop our services around helping to meet our customers’ needs, whether they are individuals, businesses or other public sector organisations. 


We have a fantastic opportunity for a new leader to join us in a fast-paced and diverse area with the post holder being responsible for leading 1400 colleagues. Working as part of the Operational Delivery Profession (ODP), the successful candidate will need to role model excellent leadership, development and communication skills to lead change, drive customer service and create a great place to work for all colleagues. With strong levels of resilience, I am looking for an authentic leader to be part of journey and become pivotal in overseeing transformational change.  

Tony Ackroyd 
DVLA Operations and Customer Services Director &
Director Head of Operational Delivery Profession for Department for Transport (DfT)