Welcome and thank you for your interest in this role which is very important to us. The vacancy arises as Phillip Blinkhorn who has been our DBF Chair since 2010, retires in December 2024.
Manchester Diocese has an inspiring vision for 2030. We are making good progress towards achieving this through our transformation programme, which is focused on achieving growth and releasing missional energy in all our churches.
You will be an exceptional individual, helping us ensure that Manchester Diocese achieves missional and financial sustainability, steering us through the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. As a dedicated Christian you will already have undertaken senior corporate roles and will now want to use your skills to help us set the strategic direction for our diocese in support of our mission and ministry here in Manchester Diocese .
This is a volunteer role averaging one day each week in meetings and preparation. We are looking for someone who is generous in working with a breadth of traditions and spirituality in the Church of England. In particular we welcome women candidates, candidates of global majority heritage and people living with disability to help ensure the diversity of our leadership team.
We are very much looking forward to welcoming the new DBF Chair and working with them.
The Rt Revd Dr David Walker
Bishop of Manchester