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Thank you for your interest in becoming the next Chair of Birmingham Hippodrome, a venue that has always been a home for creativity and change, constantly evolving over its almost 125-year history alongside the city we call home.

Ambition, drive and relevance sit in the very DNA of the Hippodrome and its team of 110+ staff and volunteers. Our new five-year organisational plan marks the beginning of a new chapter for the venue: a time in which we will be throwing open our doors to even more communities, artists and audiences and reimaging our building and our place in an ever-changing city and industry.

In 2024 we will celebrate our 125th birthday – an incredible one and a quarter centuries providing the region with (what we like to call) ‘goosebump’ moments. With a bold vision, a strong platform and a vibrant history to build from, we fundamentally believe this could be the most exciting era yet.

We are seeking a committed and ambitious Chair that shares in our vision for a “distinctive, world-class Birmingham cultural scene with the Hippodrome at its heart”. A leader that embodies our closely held values, ensuring the ongoing relevance of Birmingham Hippodrome for generations to come.

It is a critical role at a critical time, leading a committed and energised board of Trustees and a highly experienced Executive and Senor Leadership team, as we embark on ambitious plans to update our building and extend our reach in almost every aspect of our work.

Harj Millington

Nominations Committee Chair
Birmingham Hippodrome