To apply please complete our online registration form, using reference ALT363 and attach the following documentation:
- A detailed CV of no more than three pages of A4, including details of positions held and dates
- A supporting statement of no more than three pages of A4, explaining your motivation in joining as Chief Executive addressing how you meet the criteria outlined in the person specification.
- Please share full contact details (name, phone, and email) for three referees (including your current employer, if applicable). Please note that we will not take up references without your prior permission.
** Please also complete our online recruitment monitoring forms. **
The closing date for applications is 10am Monday 3rd June 2024.
The job number is ALT363. Your application will be acknowledged and treated with the strictest confidence.
If, after having read through the information, you wish to have an informal chat please contact Sioned Hughes from Altair Ltd who is supporting Arawak Walton on 07887 791381 or email