The person sought will have the following experience, knowledge, personal attributes and the time to fulfil the role:
i) Style
- Conveys passion for and commitment to The Scouts, our vision, mission and values, enthusing others about our work
- Shows humility and willingness to recognise, learn, and understand the nature and benefits of our federated, dual-leadership structures
- Works with tact and diplomacy to foster and promote a collaborative, constructively challenging, and highly effective Board environment
- Carries the personal presence and lightness of touch to lead a significant national organisation made up of and supported by multiple, diverse stakeholders
- Possesses the empathy and integrity to engage effectively at all levels with discretion, care, and determination
- Adaptable, agile, and resilient
ii) Knowledge and skills
- Broad knowledge and understanding of the not-for-profit sector and current issues.
- An understanding of what the future might bring and how The Scouts might respond to challenges and opportunities that result.
- Good understanding of the legal responsibilities of charity trustees, and of charity governance issues and complex, tiered charity structures.
- A strong understanding of strategy and how it may be applied to The Scouts.
- Strong leadership skills, with the ability to motivate staff and volunteers and bring people together.
- Forward-thinking skills to prepare Scouts for future changes, specifically digital and social shifts that impact young people and volunteers.
- Financial management literacy and a broad understanding of charity finance issues.
- Digital literacy – familiarity with digital strategies, data governance, and digital transformation to drive operational efficiency
- Change and crisis management skills and ability to manage risk, uncertainty and maintain public confidence.
- An ability to influence internally and externally.
iii) Experience
- Experience of operating at a senior strategic leadership level within a complex organisation.
- A proven track record of leadership and governance skills with experience of chairing well-managed and inclusive meetings, ensuring all members’ views are taken into account and that alignment and clear outcomes are achieved – an exemplar of good governance and the principles of trusteeship.
- Experience of managing stakeholders, setting individuals’ objectives, monitoring performance and progress, giving feedback, developing talent and succession planning.
- Demonstrable experience of providing guidance to senior staff and/or volunteer management and to working collaboratively in developing the strategy and monitoring the performance of the organisation, delivering an ambitious agenda in challenging times
- A working knowledge of the principles of quality assurance, risk management and internal and external audit.
Time commitment
The Chair must have the ability to commit time to conduct the role well, including travel and attending meetings and events during working hours, at weekends and in the evenings. The estimated time needed for this role is:
- Up to eight hours per week for scheduled meetings and other tasks
- Some additional time may be required in the week before and in the week after each Board meeting (four meetings per year)
- Up to four days per year for other activities, for example attending national conferences, ceremonies, AGMs and residential meetings.
- The ability to flex their time commitment to the role if needs arise.
There may be additional demand during the first year of office to allow for an appropriate period of induction. The appointee may request support from a mentor to aid with familiarisation with the Scouts.
Members of the Board of Trustees are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with acceptable standards of behaviour in public life, embracing selflessness, integrity, objectively, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership (the Nolan Principles).
- Candidates should not have been disqualified from acting as trustees and will be asked to confirm in writing that this is the case. Candidates will be asked to consider and declare any existing or potential conflicts of interests.
- Since The Scouts is a charity, members will be collectively responsible for ensuring that the Board of Trustees exercises efficient and effective use of the resources of the Association for the furtherance of its charitable purposes. Members will also ensure the Board maintains the Association’s long-term viability safeguard its assets, and that proper mechanism exist to ensure financial control and for the prevention of fraud.
- The successful candidate will require to complete a Disclosure Check and be prepared to join the Scouts by taking The Promise.
Remuneration and expenses
In common with other registered charities, there is no remuneration directly associated with role of Chair of the Board of Trustees, although the Association will reimburse fully for all reasonable and properly documented expenses incurred in performing duties.