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How to Apply

Director of Campaigns and Communities

To apply for this role, we are looking for: 

  • An up-to-date CV (please label this document ‘CV’ with your name and the job title)
  • A completed diversity monitoring form on the application link
  • A response statement answering the following questions (max 300 words per answer):
  1. Why are you interested in applying for this position?
  2. What are you like to work with – as a peer, a colleague, and a manager? What values might shape your approach as the Director of Campaigns and Communities of Surfers Against Sewage?
  3. What do you see as the key challenges to progress on protecting our oceans and waterways? How do you suggest Surfers Against Sewage operates to overcome them? What would your approach be as our Director of Campaigns and Communities?
  4. How do you see the relationship between policy, campaigns and communities working effectively? How would you ensure you’re involving our passionate communities – from beach cleans to school education programmes – in campaigning? Do you see any particular opportunities and risks?
  5. Do you have any further comments?

Please submit your application by 11:59pm 29 January 2023

If you want to know more about the role or selection process, please contact Harry Marven from our Executive Search partners, Green Park on

Closing Date
23:59 Sunday 29 January 2023
Final Interviews
W/C 13 February 2023

Please submit your application with your personal email address to ensure you receive acknowledgement of receipt.

Please note, to ensure confidentiality, applications submitted under a work email address will not receive acknowledgement of receipt.