The Diocese of Salisbury is a Christian community of people in Churches, schools and chaplains serving about one million people, stretching over 2000 square miles. For more than 1,300 years, we have been a regional presence of the Church of England, with a history of serving our communities in a variety of ways.
We have over 290 resource persons including licensed clergy, self-supporting clergy, curates and DBF employees, deployed to work across 19 Deaneries, 128 Benefices and 423 parishes. Together, we collaborate and contribute to our vision of Making Jesus Known.
Our vision is to make Jesus known in every place so that all might flourish and grow seeking His Kingdom, here and now.
We pledge ourselves to action through:
- Creative partnerships in local mission
- Courageous Christian leadership
- Working for justice
- Climate action
- Financing the future sustainably
As a result, we will be more relevant, valued and successful, working hard to meet real needs with compassion and simplicity.