Thank you for your interest in this role. The Diocese of Salisbury serves 1 million people from the North Wessex Downs to the Jurassic Coast, alongside our colleagues in the Channel Islands. Let me tell you a bit about what’s important to us and I hope this will encourage you to get to know us!
We have a unique presence in every community across cities, towns and villages with people and places of worship and service. The data shows continual decline in church attendance since the 1960s which is reaching a critical level in many communities. The need for innovation and pioneering approaches that connect with people in the way they live today has never been more important. We know that business as usual is no longer an option. You will be energised by the possibility to lead change rather than be defeated by the challenges.
Despite a rich history we are humbled by our current realities. We want now to work in creative partnerships with others to serve our communities. Under the leadership of Bishop Stephen Lake we have a compelling vision, in response to the love of God to Make Jesus Known. This includes working for justice in our communities, acting in response to the climate crisis and responding to the needs of our communities in the diverse ways that are locally relevant so that all people may flourish and grow.
At a time of great change and challenge for the church, our vision is to equip and enable people to contribute all that they bring, loving God and loving their neighbours. We are seeking to become more diverse, welcoming all and especially those ‘missing generations’ underrepresented in the church. We are taking steps to consistently hear the voices of children and young people in all that we do. We know that courageous leadership will be needed for the times ahead, and we are committed to making the changes needed. The role of People Director will be centre stage in achieving a change in culture and ways of working, supporting those in leadership to inspire and coach others.
This new role will work with leaders across the diocese and especially with the Bishops and Archdeacons in their leadership of clergy and lay ministers. Across the diocese our 500+ local churches are sustained by a remarkable group of people who volunteer their time in church roles and in their wider community. They are supported by over 200 clergy and ministers (both paid and voluntary) together with an employed staff team, who support the diocese.
You will join me and colleagues in the senior leadership of the Salisbury Diocesan Board of Finance (DBF) serving the local church with my staff team. Together my 60 colleagues offer a wide range of functions- maintaining clergy homes, managing finance and assets; delivering an internal planning process for church buildings and wide range of other legal and governance functions; offering training and support to current and future church ministers; through to safeguarding, fundraising, IT, HR and communications. Across this fascinating range of professional skills, we are building a strong culture of service. No two days are the same and we are successfully recruiting and retaining staff. Our recent staff survey encouragingly tells me that 80% of employees agree and strongly agree that they will recommend the DBF as a place of work. You will step into a dynamic and positive environment.
We are a complex organisation, blending the dynamics of an historic institution with its own laws and practice strengths and dysfunctions, with the formal functions and accountability of a charitable company. Across all of this, our purpose is clear, and we are blessed with wonderful people to work with.
With your skills and enthusiasm, we will continue to make change possible. I look forward to meeting you!
David Pain
CEO, Diocesan Board of Finance.