To apply for this role, please provide the following documents:
- An up-to-date CV. Please submit a PDF document labelled ‘CV’ with your name and the role title.
- A supporting statement answering the following questions:
- As an organisation built on volunteering, we are keen to attract board members who are volunteers themselves. Please could you tell us about what volunteering means to you and what volunteering you take part in?
- What aspects of your skills or experience do you believe are going to be most helpful to your contribution as Chair of RVS?
- We are seeking a Chair who will empower our Executive Team, fostering honesty and transparency. Under what circumstances have you developed relationships (formally or otherwise) within organisations?
- As an organisation, our success is predicated on a board that operates in a collegiate manner. Can you provide an example where you helped to foster consensus during a debate?
- RVS is committed to promoting equality of opportunity. Can you provide an example from your career which would demonstrate your commitment to driving the culture and values of an organisation?
- A completed diversity monitoring form on the application link.
Please submit your application by 11:59pm 8th October 2023
If you want to know more about the role or selection process, please contact Miles Mackie from our Executive Search partners, Green Park at