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Thank you for your interest in the role of Director of Finance and Operations at Power The Fight. We’re delighted you’re considering applying.

Launched in 2019, Power the Fight is an award-winning charity which tackles violence affecting young people. We create long-term solutions for sustainable change and act as a link between the community and policy makers.

Power the Fight exists in response to the UK’s rapid increase in serious violence affecting young people and its disproportionate impact on vulnerable and minority communities. Power The Fight recognises this increase in violence as an urgent but complex public health crisis with multiple and inter-related causative factors including racial injustice, trauma, lack of early intervention, reduction in statutory services and social inequality, all of which have been or will be exacerbated by the social and economic impacts of Covid-19 (with a disproportionate impact on Black and minority ethnic communities).

Power The Fight was founded out of a deep belief in the value of human life and the importance of community. Our work is a response to a growing need for all parts of society to take responsibility for one another.

The Director of Finance and Operations is a key role for the organisation. In 5 years, we have raised over £3 million through a mixed funding model consisting of grants, foundations, corporate partnerships and high net worth individuals. We have brought in over a million pounds in grants this year alone and have recently received £400K to help us expand our therapeutic work nationally.

While this is an exciting time for the charity, the issue of violence affecting young people is at a critical level across the UK. Now more the ever the organisation has to be ready to respond to ever growing needs of communities across the country. We believe that you are vital in helping us to achieve this.

Your leadership in finance will help Power The Fight to sustain and enhance our efforts to create safer, stronger communities. We are confident that your contributions will be invaluable as we strive to make a lasting difference.

Best wishes,

Ben Lindsay, CEO