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About Us

The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) is the staff association for police constables, sergeants, inspectors (including chief inspectors), and special constables.

PFEW has been successfully representing officers and influencing the policing agenda for over 100 years, having first established in 1919.

Voicing the views of more than 145,000 Police Officers, PFEW is the official body that exists to represent and support Police Officers on issues such as pay, allowances, terms and conditions, as well as advising and lobbying on operational policing issues and influencing legislation.

It also provides training on equality, promotion, discipline and health and safety.

At some point in their career many Police Officers face challenges they had not anticipated; an accident on duty, an allegation made against them or perhaps they feel they are being treated unfairly in their role.

There are Federation representatives in every force in England and Wales who can provide advice and offer support if ever a member needs them to.

This role relates to one of the most significant Member Services provided by PFEW, namely the availability of legal support.

This booklet will give an overview of how PFEW helps its members.