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Person Specification

We are seeking up to two people with relevant experience and skills to join our Board of Trustees. There is scope for one of these appointments to be made with a forward start date of up to 12 months.

Some of our Trustees also serve on our Board’s Audit & Risk, Investment and Senior Management Remuneration Committees, or trading subsidiary boards

Once in position all Trustees require a thorough knowledge of:

  • the core purpose of and issues facing the Trust over the 5-10 years ahead;
  • the Trust’s strategy and plans in place at any time;
  • the Trust’s governance, in particular the different roles of the Board of Trustees and the Council;
  • general Trustee responsibilities and obligations within the charity sector.

Essential criteria

We are looking for Trustees with experience in one or both of the following areas:

  • Business/commercial, and change leadership and business transformation
  • Broad visitor experience (particularly urban), cultural leadership (heritage and arts) and partnerships

We are also looking to strengthen ethnic diversity on the board.


In addition, each member of the Board of Trustees should be able to demonstrate the following qualities and experience:

  • an understanding of, commitment to, and a passion for the National Trust and its work;
  • objectivity, fairness, independence of mind, integrity, wisdom, discretion and good judgement;
  • a commitment to act solely in the best interests of the Trust, and of the wider public, without regard to personal interest or benefit;
  • strategic vision and the ability to focus on practical issues;
  • readiness to take and be accountable for decisions;
  • awareness of how the world is changing politically, economically and socially;
  • the necessary time to be an effective Trustee;
  • a good team player;
  • ability and willingness to be an ambassador for the Trust and to represent the Trust positively to external audiences;
  • no significant potential conflicts of interest.


The Board of Trustees overall should be able to demonstrate a broad range of the following:

  • experience of leadership and board-level decision-making;
  • experience of complex organisations with many stakeholders;
  • experience of wider financial issues and specific skills in audit and risk management (for potential members of the Audit & Risk Committee, which one Trustee may be asked to join);
  • a broad experience of good governance in business, the public sector or not-for-profit organisations and an understanding of the governance of charities and the duties and responsibilities of Trustees.