Responsible to: The Chair and the Board of Trustees
Salary: c£170k
Purpose of Role:
- To provide strategic leadership, ensuring Greensleeves Care achieves its mission to deliver exceptional care, maintain financial sustainability, and uphold its workplace values of respect, openness, and responsibility.
- To provide effective and robust management and administration of the organisation.
- To achieve recognition for the organisation as a growing leader in its field with a reputation for maintaining the highest quality of care.
Location: Head Office (EC2V) with regular travel.
Key Accountabilities
Governance, Strategy and Planning
- Ensure compliance with the constitutional obligations (as defined in the governing documents). Charity law, company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations. Ensure the objectives as defined in the Trust’s governing documents are pursued and that the organisation applies its resources exclusively in their pursuance.
- Ensure that the Chair and Board of Trustees receive appropriate and timely information, and advice on all matters relevant to the discharge of their responsibilities including appropriate reports on the progress of the Trust in achieving the agreed strategic direction of the organisation.
- Ensure that the aims and objectives of Greensleeves Care (continued stability, best practice in care provision and planned growth) are achieved through:
- Working with the Senior Management Team to present policy proposals for consideration and approval by the Chair and Board of Trustees.
- Developing of an effective 5- year strategy (including targets and objectives) to be agreed with the Chair and Board of Trustees.
- Working closely and to maximum effect with residents, their families, social services and other purchasers to maintain an environment focused on the highest care standards and best practice.
- Working closely with the Senior Management Team to implement agreed strategy with effective planning and cost control.
- Support the Chair in ensuring the continued engagement/ involvement of all the members of the Board of Trustees.
- As appropriate, advise and support the Board of Trustees in its development and future governance issues.
External Relationships
- Represent Greensleeves Care at key external forums to influence sector policy, advocate for the needs of residents, and strengthen the organisation’s position as a leader in adult social care.
- Develop, sustain and monitor Greensleeves Care public profile and ensure that the values, strategies, plans and objectives are promoted.
- Maintain effective networks and foster good communications with all principal supporters, stakeholders and the other providers of care for the elderly where appropriate.
- Act as a lead spokesperson to the media on all aspects of policy and other matters as appropriate.
Financial Management
- Ensure long-term financial sustainability by identifying growth opportunities, managing financial risks, and working with the Board to set and monitor financial objectives.
- Ensure that Greensleeves Care meets its financial objectives, budget ratios, etc. and complies with current financial and other regulations.
- Work with the Chief Financial Officer to ensure that Greensleeves Care remains financially viable at all times.
- Work with Care professionals within the Trust to develop services and income streams with appropriate monitoring procedures.
Management and Leadership
- Provide inspirational leadership and motivation to all employees.
- Foster a culture of innovation, inclusion and continuous improvement, ensuring all colleagues are empowered and supported to deliver high-quality care.
- Ensure that the organisation has the necessary resources (human, material and financial) to operate as effectively as possible.
- Work with the Director of HR & Company Secretariat to maintain a culture where people are motivated and developed to give their best and high calibre staff are attracted and retained.
- Foster good communications within the organisation.
- Review and appraise the work performance of staff reporting directly to the Chief Executive.
- Responsible for the day-to-day management and administration of the organisation within the agreed 5-year strategic plan.
- Work with the Director of HR & Company Secretariat and Director of Quality & Compliance to maintain performance management, training development and pay and benefits policies that enable Greensleeves Care to achieve its aims and objectives; encouraging staff to continually seek to enhance their performance to maximise the quality of care to resident and support for their families.
The Provision of Care Services
- Work with the Director of Quality & Compliance to maintain the highest quality of care to residents focusing on areas where the Trust can make a real impact on improving the quality of life for elderly people in residential care.
- Work with the Director of Quality & Compliance and the Director of Business Development to develop services that will attract sustainable fee income and continued growth as set out in the strategic plan.