Thank you for your interest in becoming the new Chair of our Diocesan Board of Finance (DBF).
The Diocese in Europe is the Church of England’s biggest and most diverse diocese and is given legal form by our DBF. The DBF is a charity and limited company. The DBF Chair plays a significant role in co-ordinating the DBF’s efforts and hence enabling the mission and ministry of the diocese.
The diocese’s chaplaincies are spread from Madeira to Moscow and from Casablanca to the Arctic Circle. We hugely value our chair as a wise friend and an experienced partner in our governance. The chair supports the financial management of the diocese along with the development of strategy and helps us make informed decisions about our allocation of resources. Our assets are not extensive, but the chair of the DBF is vital to the stewardship of all we have. Financial expertise is essential in this role along with the ability to chair with conviction and sympathy.
We recognise that the chair is a volunteer and much of the work is accomplished online with our excellent staff team and particularly our Finance, Audit and Personnel Committee.
The DBF chair may have a longstanding faith or be of little or questioning faith. We ask for sympathy and curiosity and a willingness to engage with what the diocese seeks to achieve along with a good understanding of how not for profit organisations and charities operate.
Do get in touch if you think this might be for you.

Bishop Robert Innes
Bishop of Gibraltar in Europe

Andrew Caspari
Diocesan Secretary and Chief Operating Officer